... I became who I am
I’m an expert in autobiographical writing and a Cultural Thanatologist with a Master in Death Studies & End of Life for the intervention of support the accompanying – University of Padua.
I’m a Hospice and Palliative Care volunteer since 2019 and created "Education to Feel" to promote the life-affirming approach of Death Education and the transformative power of self-writing through lectures, seminars and workshops.
Member of the National End of Life Doula Alliance NEDA – USA
Member of the Association for the Study of Death and Society (ASDS) – UK

So why NINA ?
Because that is how a very tender and sweet creature pronounced my name on my fortieth birthday.
Because Martina's story...and maybe yours too...is enshrined in the pages of my autobiography "Do you speak Amore?"
During my studies I learnt that abroad the professional figure that reflects my desire to offer presence, companionship, education and resources at the end of life is called End of Life Doula.
I became who I am.